Management board
Michael Sebastian Jenewein
Tel Mob Fax
+43 - 512 - 22 560-13 +43 - 664 - 30 02 330 +43 - 512 - 22 560-7
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Mag. Christina Goldschmied
Gerneral Manager
Tel Mob Mob Fax
+43 - 512 - 22 560-16 +43 - 664 - 88 62 3000 +39 - 339 - 6242 841 +43 - 512 - 22 560-7
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Birgit Strobl-Wolfram
Office management
Tel Fax
+43 - 512 - 22 560-15 +43 - 512 - 22 560-7
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Mag. Fabian Jenewein
Assistant of the management board, Customer relationship, SALES: Trentino-AA, Emilia Romagna, Veneto
Tel Mob
+43 - 512 - 22 560-11 +43 - 664 - 41 18 380
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BA Martin Gamper
Customer relationship, invoicing and logistics SALES SÜDTIROL, NORDTIROL, BAYERN
Tel Fax Mob
+43 - 512 - 22 560-14 +43 - 512 - 22 560-7 +39 - 380 - 639 96 14
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BA Salvatore Manfreda
Customer relationship, invoicing and logistics, SALES CENTRO - SOUTH ITALY
Tel Fax Cell
+43 - 512 - 22 560-19 +43 - 512 - 22 560-7 +39 - 328 - 3590736
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BA Katharina Ploner
(currently on maternity leave)
Customer relationship, invoicing and logistics, SALES FRANCE
Tel Fax Mob
+43 - 512 - 22 560-17 +43 - 512 - 22 560-7 +43 - 664 - 126 08 61
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Sales personnel
Pierluigi Angelini
Sales Toscana/Umbria/Veneto
Mob Fax
+39 - 335 - 5463 916 +39 - 0584 - 80 769
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Fabio Foletto
Sales Piemonte/Liguria
Mob Fax
+39 - 348 - 2809 051 +39 - 011 - 0463 235
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Eddy Cevolani
Sales Rome, Lazio
+39 - 347 - 1997 033
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Simone Leonardi
Sales Lombardy/Emilia
+39 - 328 - 38 12 408
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Luca Gasparri
Sales Marche
+39 - 336 - 38 12 48
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Corrado Bertolotti
Sales Lombardy/Piemont
+39 - 348 - 7247914
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Guy Adam
Sales France, Belgium, Luxembourg
+33 - 6 - 82 84 56 14
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